Online Craps Field Bets Explained

Online craps articles 2

Online Craps Field Bets

The craps field bet is a one roll action bet, which means that the decision whether you win or lose is set after one roll of dive.

Field Bets - Craps Table
  • If the shooter rolls a dice score of 2, 3, 4, 9, 10 or 12, the field bet wins.
  • If he rolls 5, 6, 7 or 8, the field bet losses.
  • Some casinos offer a double bonus for the 2 and 12 rolls, and others offer a 3-1 payoff for the 12 roll.

This is the most basic thing you need to know about online craps field bets. The field bet is situated in the middle of the craps table layout just above the Don't pass bar and under the come section.

The field bet is excellent for beginner online craps players who want to set foot in the online craps gambling games for the first times. Here you don't need to follow complex rules as in the pass line bets.

An example of the field bet can help clarify this wager. Lets assume your betting 10$ on the field bet. The shooter then throws a 6, and you lose. Then you feel lucky and place 100$ on the field bet. The dice score is now 9 and you win big.

The Payoff Odds

In online Craps,The field bet has a house edge of 5.56%, and it pays evenly, with various bonuses for 2 and 12 scores. This is not the most profitable of bet but is also not the worst bet in online craps. If you're playing online craps and you don’t have the time or energy to wait a few rounds, you should consider using the field bets as a fast option.

Bet Casino Payoff Casino Edge(%)
Field bet with 2-1 odds on the 2 and 12 Even money5.56
Field bet with 3-1 odds on the 12 Even Money 2.7

Alberta Paul, Columnist